Ty Beanie Baby - Princess the Purple Bear (Pe Pellets - Made in Indonesia Version - 1997) (8.5 Inch)

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Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Is part of US Copyright Law. It addresses penalties for copyright infringement found on the Internet. This act protects content creators by "establishing procedures for proper notification" to OSPs when copyright infringement is identified online. Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), Title II is part of the DMCA as Section 512 to the Copyright Act and creates a conditional safe harbour to liability for copyright infringement by online service providers. These procedures allow proper DMCA Takedown Notices to be filed by the owner of this website or DMCA.com, as their designated agent, to an OSP in case infringed material has been detected on their servers.

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Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Is part of US Copyright Law. It addresses penalties for copyright infringement found on the Internet. This act protects content creators by "establishing procedures for proper notification" to OSPs when copyright infringement is identified online. Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), Title II is part of the DMCA as Section 512 to the Copyright Act and creates a conditional safe harbour to liability for copyright infringement by online service providers. These procedures allow proper DMCA Takedown Notices to be filed by the owner of this website or DMCA.com, as their designated agent, to an OSP in case infringed material has been detected on their servers.

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Ty Beanie Baby - Princess the Purple Bear (Pe Pellets - Made in Indonesia Version - 1997) (8.5 Inch)

Source: https://www.dmca.com/Protection/Status.aspx?ID=053d7ea9-b8f4-4fa9-817d-be4eee3741eb

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